Solutions for men

Solutions for men

The Alex capillary salon following with its philosophy of hard working for a constant improvement, It has got successfully the representation of the RADIKAL-HAIR GROUP in the province of Alava.
This collective that it is composed by many other specialized centers, with professionals and specialists who shares the worry about attending the affected persons. So that, they offer aesthetical solutions for the different levels and types of alopecia.

Being a member of this group, lets to this group members to be updated about their knowledge. Also, they have the possibility to learn many technics and new ideas immediately. All of that for the vast benefit of our customers.

Being a member of this group, represents a guarantee in the technical innovation of the aesthetics.

Radikal – Hair give us, knowledge and technics from the EUA, what is a worldwide reference of the sector. The EUA, gives solutions of 2nd generationfor the customers who aren’t conformed with obsolete hair prosthesis or wigs.

The Radikal – Hair technics

It is a technic what allows us the recovery (one hair per one hair). This process, will be done in a diffused or localized way, of those affected zones because the hair loss.

The Radikal-Hair, is destined to be the perfect and definitive solution for young and dynamic men. Also, It is directed for every man who wants a definitive technic for recovery the hair loss without surgery, and only in one session.

The alternative against the traditional methods.

Such as its name means, Radical & Hair, submerge us in a process of change and radical evolution. So, Radikal & Hair ‘breaking up the built walls of the past’, breaks away of the old technics and submerge us in a new process.

It represents a great advance inspired in technics with origin in the EUA and Hollywood. So, it lets to the young and nonconformist men, amazing resolvesbecause its dynamic and ‘undetectable’ workmanships. All of that, with the quality required in Europe.

The Radikal-Hair method

The resolutions are getting using a care technic of hair injection, single hair per single hair on a capillary membrane located in the receptive zone where we want to do the treatment.

the necessary to do It:

Hair pieces, to make, study and offer the most adequate hair to the customer’s morphological and aesthetic characteristics.
The specific injection technique, lets us do the capillary recovery keeping in mind the necessary or wished density of the alopecia adjacent zones.
The choice of the successful capillary membrane, guarantees and lets getting a better sensation of comfort and transpiration without renouncing to the transparency and naturalness,

Radikal & Hair is defined:

  • Permanent solution.
  • Without surgery.
  • Only one sesion.
  • Painless.
  • No invasive.
  • Reversible.
  • It Lets live the user with total normaly.
  • It’s Better than your own hair.

Remember: The first consult is free and without compromise!!
Reserve your appoinment!!


With our capillary integration systems you will make your life what you have ever wanted, and you could do everything what worried you because your alopecia.
Go to the gym, to swim… it will never be a problem again, prove it!!!