Solutions for women

Capillary integration for women

The hair, is an important aspect of the women is her hair, so, the partial or total loss of this basic element, worries carefully who the affected persons. It is, because it impacts directly in the person image and self-esteem.

In the alex capillary center, we work in a personal mode, with the purpose to offer the best solution for you. So, we will use the last technology recurses of our sector to minimize the hair loose, and recovery your more natural image.
The hair- injection systems are the best alternative to treat and recovery the hair in the different types of alopecia.

  • Alopecia areata.
  • Universal alopecia.
  • Difuse alopecia.
  • Alopecias because:
  • Burns.
  • Hurts.

For more information, Ask us for an appointment without any compromise.

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