We are a hair treatment specialised center in Vitoria-Gasteiz
The Alex capillary salon is a familiar business what has 30 years of experience in the capillary recovery sector.
Our continuous recycling allows us to offer a personal advice service for all of our customers to improve or resolve their hair loss produced by any kind of alopecia in every new moment.
Below, we will mention the most common kinds of the known alopecias:
- Androgenetic alopecia
- Alopecia Areata
- Alopecias because burns,accidents,etc.
- Alopecias because a medical therapy (chimiotherapy, radiotherapy).
Being responsive for every capillary problem, The Alex Capillary center, would find a specific solution for each different case.
The Alex capillary salon, made the renovate gamble decision, we have offered since 2008 the last generation capillary integration systems. Every year, we show the last fashion of capillary recovery for the men or women who want to recover, his or her best and natural aspect.
The inclusion of a professional team, for the recovery of the oncological patient personal aspect. It has been Another successful great change of direction, that, has been launched by the managers of the Alex capillary center.